Understanding Ridge Vent and Attic Ventilation

Ridge Vent, Attic Ventilation, Brehm Roofing, Roofing, Roof Replacement, Reroof, Asphalt Shingles, Metal Roofing, Tioga, Gainesville, Jonesville, Florida, Newberry, Trenton, High Springs

As a seasoned roofing contractor with years of experience, I’ve encountered numerous roofing challenges and solutions in my career. Today, I want to delve into an aspect of roofing that is often overlooked yet plays a crucial role in the longevity and effectiveness of your roof: the ridge vent and its importance in attic ventilation. At Brehm Roofing, located in the heart of Gainesville, Florida, we understand that knowledge about these components is vital for homeowners and property managers alike.

The Vital Role of Ridge Vents in Your Roof’s Health

A ridge vent is a type of vent installed at the peak of a sloped roof. Its primary function is to release hot, humid air from the building’s attic. But why is this so important? The answer lies in understanding the dynamics of attic ventilation and its impact on the roof’s longevity.

Why Attic Ventilation is Crucial

Attic ventilation is essential for several reasons. First, it helps in regulating the temperature inside your attic. During hot weather, without proper ventilation, your attic can become excessively warm, leading to a host of problems like increased cooling costs and potential damage to roofing materials. In the cooler months, proper ventilation reduces the risk of moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew growth, as well as structural damage.

Ridge Vents on Asphalt Shingle Roofs

Ridge vents are most commonly found on asphalt shingle roofs, especially those with a gable roof style. This prevalence is due to the design of gable roofs, which naturally facilitates the installation of ridge vents. These vents are strategically placed at the highest point of the roof, allowing for optimal release of hot air.

Insight from Mike Guertin’s ‘Roofing With Asphalt Shingles’

In his book, ‘Roofing With Asphalt Shingles,’ Mike Guertin provides valuable insights into the functionality of ridge vents. He explains, “Ridge vents cover a space left or cut in the sheathing along the ridge of the roof. Warm air rising in the attic or rafter air space passes through the cut in the sheathing and through the ridge vent to the exterior.” This process is vital for maintaining a healthy roofing system. Furthermore, Guertin notes that these vents come in various styles, some of which are designed to be virtually invisible from the ground.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Soffit Systems and Ridge Vents

The effectiveness of ridge vents is significantly enhanced when paired with a properly functioning soffit system. The soffit system allows cool air to enter the attic at the lowest point of the roof, creating a natural flow of air that pushes the hot air towards the ridge vent. This circulation is crucial for maintaining a balanced and efficient roofing system.

Special Considerations for Metal Roof Ridge Vents

When it comes to metal roofs, ridge vents require a slightly different approach. According to Guertin, “Variable-pitch metal ridge vents have protected slots along both edges that permit airflow. They cover the ridge and cap it in one piece.” These metal ridge vents are designed as a finish piece of trim themselves, eliminating the need for additional shingle installation.

The Importance of Professional Installation

The installation of ridge vents requires a skilled roofing contractor. At Brehm Roofing, we specialize in roof installation, roof replacement, and reroofing services. Our team has the expertise to ensure that your ridge vent is installed correctly, optimizing the ventilation in your attic and extending the lifespan of your roof.


In conclusion, understanding and implementing proper attic ventilation through ridge vents is a critical aspect of maintaining the health of your roof. Whether you require a new roof installation, a roof replacement, or a reroofing service, it’s essential to consider the ventilation system as part of your roofing project. At Brehm Roofing in Gainesville, Florida, we are equipped to provide expert advice and high-quality service in all aspects of roofing. Remember, a well-ventilated roof is a long-lasting roof, and Brehm Roofing is here to ensure that your roofing needs are met with professionalism and expertise.